Commuter Bus Timetable

Stop Name Stop ID Timing Point Roads Used to Next Stop 735 736 736 735
Gravesend Three Daws PH kntatjwp Timing Point Crooked lane, The Terrace, Harmer Street, Milton Road 0555 0710
Milton Road, opposite BP Garage kntatjga Milton Road 0556 0711
Milton Bridge kntatjtg Milton Road 0557 0712
Milton Ale Shades kntatmad Milton Road, E Milton Road, Rochester Road 0558 0713
Outside Lion (Shell) kntjapjp Timing Point Rochester Road 0559 0714
Gravesend Road, Forge Lane kntatgdj Timing Point A226 Gravesend Road 0613 0641
Gravesend Road, Villa Road kntatgdm A226 Gravesend Road 0614 0642
Shorne. Cross Roads kntatgjp A226 Gravesend Road 0615 0643
Chalk, opposite Castle Lane kntdpdgp A226 Gravesend Road, A226 Rochester Road 0616 0644
Rochester Road, Thong Lane kntjapjm A226 Rochester Road 0617 0645
Bus stops along Thong Lane kntatjdm Rochester Road, Thong Lane 0600 0715
kntatjtd Thong Lane
kntatjga Thong Lane
kntatjgw Thong Lane, Vigilant Way
 Vigilant Way, Imperial Drive kntatjgp Timing Point Vigilant Way 0603 0718
Gravesend Boat kntatjgm Vigilant Way, St Francis Avenue 0605 0720
St Francis Avenue, bus stop kntdmjmd St Francis Avenue, St Hildas Way 0607 0722
St Hilda’s way kntjmgwj Timing Point St Hildas way, Valley Drive 0608 0723
Bus Stops along Valley Drive kntatgap Valley Drive 0610 0725
kntatdwd Valley Drive,
kntgjaga Valley Drive
Stops along Old Road East, kntatmag Timing Point A226 Rochester Road, B261 Old East Road 0618 0646
kntjapjt B261 Old East Road 0619 0647
kntjmgta B261 Old East Road 0620 0648
Echo Square kntjmgtg B261 Old East Road, Cross Lane East, Cross lane West 0622 0650
Cross Lane West, bus stop kntatdjg Cross Lane West, A227 Wrotham Road, B261 Old Road West 0624 0652
Old Road West, Esso Garage kntjmgtm B261 Old Road West, Pelham Road, Perry Street 0626 0654
Perry Street. The Rose PH (KFC) kntatatp Perry  Street, Earl Road, Coldharbour Road 0628 0656
Coldharbour Road, Library kntmgwa Timing Point Coldharbour Road, 0630 0658
Coldharbour Road, St Clements Cl kntatawa Coldharbour Road, Mulberry Road 0631 0659
Mulberry Road, Durndale Lane kntatawm Mulberry Road, Landseer Avenue 0632 0700
Landseer Avenue, Greendale Walk kntatdad Timing Point Landseer Avenue, Gainsborough Drive, Deneholm Road 0633 0701
Deneholm Road, shops kntdmjgm Deneholm Road, 0634 0702
Deneholm Road Painters Ash Lane kntatdaw Deneholm Road, Painters Ash Lane, Hall Road, A2 Watlingstreet West Bound 0636 0704
Black Prince, A2 Timing Point A2 Watling Street West Bound, A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach, Blackwall Tunnel North Bound, East India Dock Road, Cotton Street, A1206, Trafalgar Way, Cartier Circus, Churchill Place, South Colonnade 0636 0644 0712 0741
Canada Square South, Stop J 74843 Timing Point South Colonnade, Cabot Square, West India Ave, Westferry Circus, West Ferry Road Limehouse Link Tunnel, Butcher Row  A13 Commercial Road, Whitechapel High Street, Aldgate High Street 0718 0653 0751 0820
Aldgate Station, Stop R 58621 Timing Point Aldgate High Street, Aldgate, Leadenhall Street, A10 Grace Church Street 0728 0718 0819 0843
Gracechurch Street, Stop U 74569 Timing Point A10 Grace Church Street, Cannon Street 0745 0719 0821 0845
Cannon Street Station Stop MA 57681 Cannon Street, Queen Victoria Street, White Lion Hill, Upper Thames Street, A3211 Victoria Embankment. 0749 0723 0840 0849
Temple Station A3211 Victoria Embankment 0753 0727 0844 0853
Embankment Station Timing Point Service Terminates 0755 0729 0849 0855


Stop Name Stop ID Timing Point Roads Used to Next Stop 736 735 736 735
Embankment Station (Tube), Stop 40C Timing Point A3211 Victoria Embankment 1648 1655 1723 1815
Temple Station (Tube) 75283 A3211 Victoria Embankment,Upper Thames Street 1650 1657 1725 1817
Cannon Street, under bridge Upper Thames Street, Lower Thames Street, Byward Street, Tower Hill 1655 1702 1730 1822
Tower Hill Station
Stop TB
54382 Tower Hill, A1203 East Smithfield, A1203 The Highway, Lime House Link Tunnel West Ferry Road, West Ferry Circus, West India Avenue,  Cabot Square, North Colonnade, 1657 1704 1732 1824
Canary Wharf, Canada Square
Stop H
51380 Timing Point Noth Colonnade, Churchill Place, Cartier Circus, Trafalgar Way, A1206, Cotton Street, East India Dock Road, A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southbound, A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach, A2 WatlingStreet East Bound 1705 1712 1740 1832
Black Prince, A2 Timing Point A2 Watling Street East Bound, 1742 1732 1818 1852
Painters Ash Way kntatdga Timing Point Painters Ash Way, Deneholm Road 1757 1832
Dene Holm Road, shops kntatdat Dene Holm Road, Gainsborough Drive, Landseer Avenue 1759 1834
Landseer Avenue, Greendale Walk kntatdag Landseer Avenue, Mulberry Way 1800 1835
Mulberry Road, Durndale Lane kntatwp Mulberry Way, Coldharbour Road 1801 1836
Coldharbour Road, St Clements Cl kntatdjp Coldharbour Road 1802 1837
Coldharbour Road, Library kntjmgtw Timing Point Coldharbour Road Earl Road, Perry Street, Pelham Road South, 1803 1838
Perry Street, The Rose PH kntatatm Pelham Road South, Old Road West 1805 1840
Old Road West, Esso Garage kntjmgtp Old Road West, Dashwood Road. New House Lane, Cross Lane West 1807 1842
Cross Lane West kntatdjm Cross Lane West, Cross Lane East, Old East Road, 1809 1844
Echo Square kntjmgtj Timing Point Old East Road 1811 1846
Bus stops  along Old Road East, kntjmgtd Old Road East, 1813 1848
kntjapjw Old Road East, 1814 1849
Outside Lion (Shell) Garage kntjapjp Old East Road, A226 Rochester Road 1815 1850
Rochester Road, Thong Lane kntaljmd A226 Rochester Road 1816 1851
Stops along Valley Drive kntatdwa Timing Point Valley Drive 1754 1914
kntatdwg Valley Drive St Hildas Way 1756 1916
St Hilda’s Way kntatgwg St Hildas Way, St Francis Avenue, 1758 1918
St Francis Avenue kntdmjmg St Francis Avenue, Vigilant Way 1759 1919
Gravesend Boat kntjmgwg Vigilant Way 1800 1920
Vigilant Way Imperial Drive kntatjgt Vigilant Way, Thong Lane, 1801 1921
Bus stops along Thong Lane kntatjma Thong Lane 1804 1924
kntatdjw Thong Lane
kntatjdg Thong Lane
Chalk, Castle Lane kntdpdgt A226 Rochester Road, A266 Gravesend Road 1820 1855
Shorne, Cross Roads kntatgjm A226 Gravesend Road 1821 1856
Gravesend Road, Villa Road kntatgdw A226 Gravesend Road 1822 1857
Gravesend Road, Forge Lane kntatgja Timing Point A226 Gravesend and Rochester Road 1823 1858
Opposite Lion (Shell) Garage kntatjtg Timing Point A226 Rochester Road 1806 1926
Milton Ale Shades kntatjpw A226 Rochester Road, East Milton Road, Milton Road 1807 1927
Milton Bridge kntatjtg Milton Road 1808 1928
Gravesend Clock Tower kntatjtj Timing Point Service Terminates 1809 1929


If you’d like to arrange a pick-up from another destination, please don’t be put off – that’s not a problem. Just let us know what you require and we will make sure we’re there, on time, in one of our comfortable branded coaches. You won’t be able to miss us.